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Botox Nose Job

Doctors have been using Botox for years to successfully treat fine lines, wrinkles and facial creases.

What is it: Botox is a brand name of a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. There are also other brand names, such as Dysport and Xeomin.

How does it work: Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle can't contract. That makes wrinkles relax and soften.

Where is it used: Botox is most often used on forehead lines, crow's feet (lines around the eye), and frown lines. Wrinkles caused by sun damage and gravity will not respond to Botox. It can also be used for lip lines and for the chin and corner of the mouth and neck.

What is it like: Getting Botox takes only a few minutes and doesn't require anesthesia. Botox is injected with a fine needle into specific muscles with only minor discomfort. It generally takes three to seven days to take full effect, and it is best to avoid #alcohol starting at least one week before the procedure. You should also stop taking aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications two weeks before treatment to reduce bruising.


It is likely that you have seen images of the ‘liquid nose lift” using dermal fillers, or Korean thread nose lifts - procedures that are often dubbed the “non surgical rhinoplasty”. But did you know this is a risky procedure even in expert hands.

When injecting filler into the nose, there are tiny arteries on the nose that remain at risk of blockage despite the most careful technique. Then there is the matter of not being able to correct all types of noses or humps, not being able to reduce the size (only an illusion of sharpening can be created) and the results last, at best, for a few years only.


At Juverne we are extremely selective about advocating the non surgical nose shaping procedure and usually advise against. If you are looking for a full correction or for a smaller nose, a surgical rhinoplasty with an experienced plastic surgeon, is the way to go.

However, for a select few patients, a few drops of Botox may actually be the magical touch. If you look into the mirror and smile, does your nose droop? As we age, the tip of the nose droops in all of us. A small dose of filler to this area can elevate it. And in some patients, a small dose of Botox in the nose tip may be recommended instead.


Botox is a temporary muscle relaxant that, in this case, is used (off label) to relax the fibres of a specific muscle called Depressor Nasii Septii - to give you a perkier nose, for 4 to 6 months. OTHER TREATMENTS FOR THE NOSE WITH BOTOX

The sides of the nose can be made slightly smaller by treating the ala (nostril area) with Botox to reduce the flaring of your muscles.

A different treatment, BUNNY LINE BOTOX targets the upper part of the nose, for bunny-like wrinkles that may form on the bridge (just below where glasses may sit) when you smile.

This is a possible way to also test if a certain look is right for you, before deciding on a more intensive procedure. Check with your doctor to see if Nose Botox is a suitable fit for you.