For The Busy

Dr Sonam writes a simple skin care guide for the woman who has her eye on the ball and who is too busy for / doesn’t like an elaborate ritual.

First the ground rules.

Before any skin care, do this:

1. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep not only allows your brain to function optimally (which helps at work and elsewhere) but sleeping enough also helps you keep the extra pounds off, and genetic repair happens during sleep. So make sure to get your 6-8 hours a day if to stay youthful for longer. Power naps count.

2. Sunscreen Always

No matter the agenda for the day or the weather outside, pick a sunscreen of SPF 30 or more and use a good dollop on the face, neck and hands. Using a hydrating + mattifying one helps makeup sit better. Keep sunscreen next to toothbrush; use both daily.

3. Let It Out

Anger, anxiety body wastes - pent up, each of these is toxic to you. Keep moving, literally and figuratively, and ensure you get the waste out of your system each day - exercise & water aid all.

4. Simplify: Decide what you want to focus on, and focus unapologetically. Make time for what you hold dear and don't sweat every small detail. Nobody is perfect - all perfection you see is a sham. Live life joyfully on your terms to find contentment.

Coming to the skin care routine, here’s what helps Dr S look well groomed and fresh, quickly, daily:

  1. Layer: I wash my face with a face wash in the shower and apply a serum and sunscreen while brushing my teeth. A triangle of foundation under my eyes, a swipe of bold lipstick and mascara - I’m ready for work.

  2. Rx: Good skin is not time intensive, just aim to do a medical facial (and laser hair reduction if you need it) every 4 to 8 weeks. Add one collagen building treatment every quarter in your thirties to maintain skin tone.

  3. Hair: I like to condition hair a few hours before a wash - also works better for me to wash hair and air dry at night to save time the next morning. Styling is minimal for me: scrunching keeps the natural wave - open hair, run fingers through it, toss and go.

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