Laser hair reduction (LHR) is an established safe, effective medical procedure that uses a focused beam of light for long term removal of unwanted hair from the root.


on the face & on the body, in men / women, on almost all areas, including: full face and neck, ears, hairline; bikini region, buttocks and legs, arms and under arms, chest, back and abdomen - with long term reduction in thickness, density & growth rates of hair.


warmth from laser damages hair follicle, weakening the root, making hair grow scantier, finer and thinner in the future. With a series of treatments, hair growth becomes almost negligible. C+B laser uses patented linear scanning technology & integrated cooling to sub zero temperature for fast, comfortable treatments.

  • unique US FDA approved cool laser

  • Award Winning Laser Technology

  • “fastest painless laser in the world”

  • done under doctor’s supervision

  • Done by experienced laser therapists

  • five times faster than peers

  • painless, fast, safe and effective

  • for all skin / hair types

  • Treats thin hair, ingrown bumps.


Why consider Laser Hair Reduction?

  • The result from laser hair reduction cannot be matched by traditional methods of hair removal. Not only will you save money in the long run, but you will save yourself a lot of time that would have been spent removing the hair, achieve smoother skin free from ingrown hair & bumps.

  • We use a USFDA approved diode laser device with powerful integrated contact cooling, ensuring greater comfort and shorter treatment times.

How does laser remove hair?

  • Laser removes the hair by a process called selective photo thermolysis, which means getting the right amount of laser energy at the right wavelength it is able to destroy the hair follicle without destroying the surrounding skin. The Light energy from the laser is transferred into thermal energy in the hair follicle. The Laser targets the Melanin, the pigmented region of the hair follicle and when the heat is absorbed by the Melanin, the follicle is destroyed.

  • The Hair growth cycle has three distinct growth phases: Anagen (Active growth phase); Catagen (Regressive phase); Telogen: (Resting phase). ONLY during the active growth ‘Anagen’ phase can laser permanently disable growth. Hair attain anagen at different times, thus multiple treatments are needed.

What result can I expect?

  • Hair will become reduced in the treatment area and it will be much finer and less pigmented. You would attain visible reduction in thickness, density and growth rates of hair.

How many treatments will I require?

  • The number of treatments are dependent on the individual. The number of treatments also depends on the medical history & hormonal changes in the body. Most individuals are happy after 6 sessions; whereas some will desire further reduction.

  • It is important to note that laser is long lasting but not permanent. maintenance sessions will be required. Usually, women’s faces require more treatments than bodily areas. Women are predisposed to grow new hair on the face as they get older. Hormones, menopause & medication all increase growth. Areas like legs, bikini & under arms are more successfully treated because women are predisposed to lose hair in these areas when older.

How often do I need to come in for treatment sessions?

  • During the initial few treatments, we recommend treatments very 4 weeks for the face & every 6 weeks for the body areas. After the initial 3-4 treatments, the time between treatments varies based on Growth.

Which areas can be treated with laser?


How often do I need laser treatment ?

  • The cycle for Facial Hair renews every 4 weeks. The cycle for Body Hair renews every 6 weeks. The cycles for each hair is not synchronized and this is the reason you need that multiple treatments & at the correct gap for optimal results. ie. Every 4 weeks for Face & 6 weeks for Body treatments.

  • Our laser uses different parameters to safely treat all skin and hair types - including dark skin or fine hair.

What results to expect after Laser?

  • Convenience and hygiene - as well as treatment of bumps and ingrown hairs. Laser offers a quick and permanent solution for hair reduction.

  • Laser hair reduction helps eliminate stubble & shadows of shaving, waxing rash and pain of threading.

  • treat hair before it goes grey as hair needs to be darker than skin, for effective results. We cannot treat white/grey/blonde/ red hair.

  • A thorough medical history and exam will be done at the initial consult to check that you are medically suited to having the treatment.

What happens during a laser treatment?

  • The hair should be shaved prior to the treatment. We need the hairs to be as short as possible to make the treatment more effective & as comfortable as possible. The area to be treated will be wiped & marked out in white pencil. You would be requested to check that the marked area is to your satisfaction.

  • Your eyes would be covered with protective goggles and the area will be treated with a laser applicator, with a built in cooling device to ease pain & reduce sensitivity. At the end of your session cooling and moisturizer, post treatment medication and sunscreen (if necessary) will be applied

Is Laser Hair Removal permanent?

  • there is no such thing as permanent hair removal. The treatment is called Permanent Hair Reduction because the goal of the treatment is to significantly reduce the amount of hair growth, and for the hair to grow back lighter and softer, giving you a long hair free period.

  • You may need maintenance treatments after many years - or may need additional sessions if you experience hormonal changes such as those arising from a disease, PCOD or other imbalance, side effects of certain medication or the normal changes in hormones seen during pregnancy & Menopause.

Is the treatment painful?

  • Treatments with our laser device are five times faster and significantly more comfortable - actually painless - than other laser hair reduction methods.

  • We use a patented scanning technology that allows rapid treatment and strong inbuilt cooling even over large areas to ensure you are done in minutes.

Do I have to grow my hair?

  • You should have short visible hair when you come for a consultation so we can better advise you on you hair type & suggest the most appropriate treatments. There is no need to grow your hair out for regular treatments; you may shave as many times as you wish, this will not affect the results.

  • The following methods are suitable for removing hair: Shaving – removing the hair by using a blade. Trimming – removing the hair by the use of a machine to cut the hairs; Hair Removing Creams – removing the hair by applying a non invasive cream that removes hair without affecting the follicle.

  • The following methods should not be used to remove hair: Bleaching – Lightening the hair using harsh chemicals; Epilating – removing the hair, including the follicle, by a pulling motion. Included in this are Waxing, Epilating Machines, Plucking, Threading, Tweezing and more.

What about a patch test?

  • A patch test is done on a small section on each different body areas you want treated. The Patch Test provides us the optimal temperature for your skin and checks the sensitivity leave if your skin. The purpose of the patch test is to highlight any adverse reactions you may have to the treatment.

  • We offer a complimentary Patch Test after a consultation with our doctors. Treatments or patch tests are not done without a consult.

How long will it take?

  • With our revolutionary laser you can expect significantly shorter treatment times. We can treat a full male back in 15-30 minutes. Treatment on a full face can take as little as 15 minutes or the underarms in 5 minutes, legs take up to 45 minutes, depending on the surface area and skin condition.

  • The treatment time is short but the preparation, cooling & post care for laser may take longer. Treatments at juverne are unhurried and patient.

Are there any Possible side effects?

  • After the treatment you can get temporary erythema (redness) or temporary per-follicular oedema (swelling/lumps)

  • In rare cases: temporary blistering and scabbing. Any initial reactions should settle within 48 hours. use Bland moisturizer + cold compresses (not ice) to soothe skin.

  • Darker skin types may sometimes be at slight risk of hyperpigmentation / hypopigmentation (darkening or lightening of the skin) therefore it is important to protect skin from sun & use medical grade sunblock SPF 30+

  • If you have a history of herpes/cold sores, you may get a relapse after any treatment. The doctor can prescribe prophylactic medication - taken days before laser.