
The knees don't get enough skin care attention on a daily basis. Knee Wrinkles (aka Kninkles In HollyWood) are a thing.


If you are very fit (congratulations) you can still have loose skin on the knees (from aging related collagen loss or from extra loose skin after weight loss / lipo).

This appearance of wrinkled saggy knees can be fixed in a single session without needles by treating with our award winning ultrasound lift. Further contouring can continue with milder radio frequency care. We also do lasers, peels, & injections here.



If you have bulging non wrinkly fatty knees you need a different plan. The bulges above and next to the knees can make your legs appear heavy and make women conscious when wearing dresses. The thighs and knees can be toned with our non surgical contouring options. Fat freezing and dissolving injections remove stubborn pockets for life.

Stretch Marks

Stretching of skin as you're growing taller, bigger, slimmer through childhood and adulthood can cause the appearance of stretch marks. Bluish red when new and silvery white as they get older, stretch marks on the backs of knees are common. Luckily these can be fixed with a series of effective clinical treatments. Talk to us.

If you have signs of dimpling or cellulite, treatments targeting toning and breaking the uneven collagen bands here will help. Massages, exercise, steam and oils/lotions with caffeine and centella help temporarily.

For other knee related concerns check our blog post at

Have more questions? Speak with our team by calling 09910912141 or 011-41002943.
